Saturday, June 25, 2022


 honibe, a company that manufactures dried honey products on PEI, offered a giveaway today - two free plants that attract pollinators.  I got there by 8:10 am, and the line up of cars already snaked for about 2 km.   As I inched forward in a line that took 40 minutes, I worried about the air pollution created by all those idling cars as we waited to pick up our free plants that are supposed to help the environment.  

The people directing traffic and handing out plants were cheerful despite the misty rain, and I have to give them credit for their efforts - their hearts are in the right place.

they also gave out samples of honibe products, including gummies.

Here are the two plants I was given - a milkweed and a brown-eyed susan.  I hope to watch them grow and bloom and attract those important pollinating insects!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Heidi. My name is Robert Klinger. I saw your fathers obituary and I think we may be related. Please contact me at


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