Monday, October 25, 2010

making room for new flowers

When I want to buy new plants (which is a big weakness of mine) I don't have room to put them anywhere. If anything, I should be weeding out plants to make my garden less messy looking, more controled. But the plants keep reproducing and I feel like a murderer when I destroy a plant. Instead, I make more beds. My newest bed started as three clumps of hosta. I had a mad impulse to make a new bed because a new peony arrived by mail order, and I had no place to put it.

Instead of weeding my present beds, I decided to start digging. After much huffing and puffing, I had a bed. Shapes aren't usually hard to design, but this time I wanted a straight back so It would be easier to mow. That left me with no ideas of how to shape the rest of it. The bed ended up looking like boot, which is pretty bad. In the end, I just expanded it to an oval 11 feet by 6. Unimaginative, but it will look good once it's full of new plants.
Next spring, it will be full of bulbs and perennials, and I will be looking for more space to grow!

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