Sunday, June 5, 2011

coffee grounds scare off lily beetles

A few weeks ago, I had a brain wave - check the post from May 6. I had grabbed a bag of spent coffee grounds from those nice people at Starbucks, and soothed my soul with a latte. What best to do with this black gold? Then I had a brain wave. Maybe they would discourage lily beetles, which every year turn my lovely lilies into a chewed, pooped on mess. So I sprinkled the coffee grounds onto the centres of every lily I have - and I have a lot.
At first I thought it might be the cold weather that was keeping them away, but even on a warm day there are now considerably fewer of the scarlet nasties - not even 10 percent of the numbers last year. The coffee has to be reapplied after a rain.
I would love to hear from someone in blog land who has also tried this experiment.

I was walking through a garden centre on a blustery cold day when this iris caught my eye. It's a colour I have never seen before. So of course I bought it and gave it a good home.
The blur at the bottom of the pic is the cat's tail. He's quite the publicity hog.

1 comment:

  1. We haven't seen this beetle yet but have certainly heard about it.
    I must remember to save my coffee grinds and start spreading it in and around our gardens.
    Thanks for the tip!
    That iris is a very beautiful colour, and I'm sure it has found a perfect home.


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