Tuesday, October 30, 2018

robin in the fall

I have never seen a robin in the fall.  This guy was hanging out in the grape vines the other day, looking for a snack.  Unfortunately, the grapes were not plentiful this year, and they have long since been picked over by the blue jays.

American Robins eat invertebrates and fruit. In spring and summer they eat earthworms, insects and snails. They also like chokecherries, hawthorn, dogwood, sumac, and juniper berries.  For a list of food suggestions to attract robins and other birds, visit https://feederwatch.org/

Most robins move south in winter.  However, some stick around in their summer locations.  They migrate more in response to food, or lack of food, than to changes in temperature.  Fruit is their main winter food source.

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